
Now We’re Cooking! [Sautéed Kale + Bacon Recipe]

This summer, our youth have been not only enjoying time outside in our farm area, but also learning more about food preparation and nutrition. As part of our Build Trybe program, youth learn to grow and prepare fruits and vegetables, and are empowered to share the food and lessons with their families and neighbors. Last week, youth in the program had the opportunity to harvest, prepare and taste something new – kale!

“Leafy greens are great sources of many nutrients like vitamin C, dietary fiber, and folic acid, just to name a few. This recipe is an awesome way to start introducing greens into your kids (or your own) diet. We throw a little bit of bacon in there to distract from all that ‘green stuff’, but overall, it’s a very healthy recipe. Smoothies are another good place to sneak in those healthy veggies," says Farmer Erin, who works directly with our youth each week to learn more about nutrition. 

You can even recreate their recipe at home! Share photos of your favorite home-grown recipes by using #Grow4Good! 

Sauteed Kale and Bacon Recipe Card - Healthy Recipe

Meet Farmer Erin!

Farmer Erin recently joined our team with the help of our community partner, Episcopal Community Services. Two days a week, she works directly with our youth teaching them about food preparation, nutrition and healthy eating habits. 

Children in Build Trybe learn how to prepare the kale for cooking.